Ch. Caprilli's Justin Time HDA , lemon free, BAER bil+, all teeth
Fiacre's Felix Felicis
Aberdeen's All That Jazz
Stocklore Top Spot
Ch. Aberdeen's Twilling Time |
Ch. Fiacre's Cover Girl
Ch. Fiacre's Calling Card CD RN
Ch. Fiacre's My Girl
Caprilli's Head Over Heels
Ch. Jilloc's Loverboy
Ch. Rocca All Mare Alegro ad Jilloc's
Ch. Timanka's Close Enough
Caprilli's De Dolce Vita
Olbero Owtcachit
Ch. Grainne Ni Belenus Dalmadami BEAR +/+, all teeth
Enjoy The Silence von der Ora Maritima BAER +/+, all teeth, lemon free, 59cm
Corvin vom Thomashof HD A, BAER +/+, lemon free, all teeth,60cm
Prince Club Belge du Dalmatien, CACIB, CAC, r.CAC |
ICh. Leander vom Gramzower Kloster HDA, BAER +/+, lemon free, all teeth, 60 cm
ICh, MultiCh |
Elishia v. Forst Eichenhorst HD: A, BAER +/+, all teeth
Xabea von den Beverstedter Muhlen HD A, BAER +/+, all teeth, lemon free
CAC VDH + Club r. JUN CAC VDH + Club
ICh. Starlong Silver Shadow BAER +/+, all teeth, HD A
C.I.B. JCh De, Ch Pl, SK, NL, Lux, VDH + DDC
Ch. Polly Perkins de Puech Barrayre HD A, BAER +/+
GCh. Daughter de la Queen Dalmadami BAER +/+, all teeth, 55,5cm
CZ GCh, CZ Ch, CZ Club Ch, CZ Club JCh, CZ JCh
National Winner CZ 2010 + 2011 Speciality Club Winner 2010 + 2011, Club winner 2012 etc.
ICh. Chainie's Secret by Raul BAER +/+, all teeth, 62,5cm
ICh, CZ SK A PL Ch CZ Club Ch, CZ Club JCh CZ SK JCh etc.
Ch. Olbero Olympic Playa HD B, BAER +/+, all teeth, 60 cm
JCh. T-Cart Made by Love BAER +/+
res. CACIB, 6x CAC
ICh. Emily Brown Raul BAER +/+, all teeth, 54 cm
World Winner 2003 European Winner 2003 Midle-East European Winner 2003
ICh, CZ Ch, CZ Club Ch, CZ Club JCh
ICh. Spotnik's Special Selection BAER +/+, HD B, all teeth
World Winner 2002 European Winner 2003 Cruft Winner 2002 + BOB C.I.B, Ch Be, NL, N, Lux, GB, D, F, Slo, Nordic CH. etc.
ICh. Social Souchong of Dalbury's Clan BAER +/+
ICh, CZ Ch, Club Ch DK CZ